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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - subject


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~1 n 1 »THING TALKED ABOUT« the thing you are talking about or considering in a conversation, discussion, book, film etc  (Subjects covered in this chapter are exercise and nutrition. | Paul has strong opinions on most subjects. | change the subject (=start talking about something different))  (Stop trying to change the subject! | get onto the subject (of) (=start talking about it))  (How did we get onto the subject of drugs? | get off the subject (of) (=start talking about something else instead of what you were supposed to be talking about))  (Somehow we got off the subject of homework altogether. | be on the subject (of) (=be talking about))  (While we're on the subject of money, have you got the -10 you owe me? | be the subject of (=be what is dealt with))  (Truffaut's childhood memories were the subject of his first film. | be a subject of/for debate/discussion etc)  (Genetic engineering is very much a subject for debate.) 2 »ART« the thing you are dealing with when you paint a picture, take a photograph etc  (Monet loved to use gardens as his subjects.) 3 »SCHOOL« an area of knowledge that you study at a school or university  (My favourite subject at school was English.) 4 »TEST« a person or animal that is used in a test  (The subjects of this experiment were all men aged 18-35.) 5 »GRAMMAR« a noun, n phrase, or pronoun that usually comes before a main v and represents the person or thing that performs the action of the v, or about which something is stated, such as `She' in `She hit John' or `elephants' in `Elephants are big'  (- compare object1 (6)) 6 »COUNTRY« someone who was born in a country that has a king or queen, or someone who has a right to live there  (a British subject)  (- compare citizen (2), national2) ~2 adj 1 likely to be affected by something, especially something unpleasant  (areas subject to strong winds | Kieran is subject to fits of depression.) 2 subject to dependent on something else  (Your planning application is subject to review by the local council.) 3 formal only before noun a subject country, state, people etc are strictly governed by another country ~3 v formal to force a country or group of people to be ruled by you and control them very strictly subject sb/sth to sth phr v T often passive to force someone or something to experience something very unpleasant or difficult, especially over a long time  (Barker subjected his victim to a terrifying ordeal. | be subjected to)  (All our products are subjected to rigorous testing.)
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  (subjected) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The subject of something such as a conversation, letter, or book is the thing that is being discussed or written about. It was I who first raised the subject of plastic surgery. ...the president’s own views on the subject. N-COUNT 2. Someone or something that is the subject of criticism, study, or an investigation is being criticized, studied, or investigated. Over the past few years, some of the positions Mr. Meredith has adopted have made him the subject of criticism... He’s now the subject of an official inquiry. N-COUNT: N of n 3. A subject is an area of knowledge or study, especially one that you study at school, college, or university. ...a tutor in maths and science subjects. N-COUNT 4. In an experiment or piece of research, the subject is the person or animal that is being tested or studied. (FORMAL) ‘White noise’ was played into the subject’s ears through headphones... N-COUNT 5. An artist’s subjects are the people, animals, or objects that he or she paints, models, or photographs. Her favourite subjects are shells spotted on beach walks. N-COUNT: with supp 6. In grammar, the subject of a clause is the noun group that refers to the person or thing that is doing the action expressed by the verb. For example, in ‘My cat keeps catching birds’, ‘my cat’ is the subject. N-COUNT 7. To be subject to something means to be affected by it or to be likely to be affected by it. Prices may be subject to alteration... In addition, interest on Treasury issues isn’t subject to state and local income taxes. ADJ: v-link ADJ to n 8. If someone is subject to a particular set of rules or laws, they have to obey those rules or laws. The tribunal is unique because Mr Jones is not subject to the normal police discipline code. ADJ: v-link ADJ to n 9. If you subject someone to something unpleasant, you make them experience it. ...the man who had subjected her to four years of...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English suget, subget, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~us one under authority & ~um ~ of a proposition, from masculine & neuter respectively of ~us, past participle of subicere to ~, literally, to throw under, from sub- + jacere to throw — more at jet  Date: 14th century  1. one that is placed under authority or control: as  a. vassal  b.  (1) one ~ to a monarch and governed by the monarch's law  (2) one who lives in the territory of, enjoys the protection of, and owes allegiance to a sovereign power or state  2.  a. that of which a quality, attribute, or relation may be affirmed or in which it may inhere  b. substratum; especially material or essential substance  c. the mind, ego, or agent of whatever sort that sustains or assumes the form of thought or consciousness  3.  a. a department of knowledge or learning  b. motive, cause  c.  (1) one that is acted on the helpless ~ of their cruelty  (2) an individual whose reactions or responses are studied  (3) a dead body for anatomical study and dissection  d.  (1) something concerning which something is said or done the ~ of the essay  (2) something represented or indicated in a work of art  e.  (1) the term of a logical proposition that denotes the entity of which something is affirmed or denied; also the entity denoted  (2) a word or word group denoting that of which something is predicated  f. the principal melodic phrase on which a musical composition or movement is based  Synonyms: see citizen  • ~less adjective  II. adjective  Date: 14th century  1. owing obedience or allegiance to the power or dominion of another  2.  a. suffering a particular liability or exposure ~ to temptation  b. having a tendency or inclination ; prone ~ to colds  3. contingent on or under the influence of some later action the plan is ~ to discussion  Synonyms: see liable  III. transitive verb  Date: 14th century  1.  a. to bring under control or dominion ; subjugate  b. to make (as oneself) amenable to...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n., adj., adv., & v. --n. 1 a a matter, theme, etc. to be discussed, described, represented, dealt with, etc. b (foll. by for) a person, circumstance, etc., giving rise to specified feeling, action, etc. (a subject for congratulation). 2 a department or field of study (his best subject is geography). 3 Gram. a noun or its equivalent about which a sentence is predicated and with which the verb agrees. 4 a any person except a monarch living under a monarchy or any other form of government (the ruler and his subjects). b any person owing obedience to another. 5 Philos. a a thinking or feeling entity; the conscious mind; the ego, esp. as opposed to anything external to the mind. b the central substance or core of a thing as opposed to its attributes. 6 Mus. a theme of a fugue or sonata; a leading phrase or motif. 7 a person of specified mental or physical tendencies (a hysterical subject). 8 Logic the part of a proposition about which a statement is made. 9 (in full subject for dissection) a dead body. --adj. 1 (often foll. by to) owing obedience to a government, colonizing power, force, etc.; in subjection. 2 (foll. by to) liable, exposed, or prone to (is subject to infection). 3 (foll. by to) conditional upon; on the assumption of (the arrangement is subject to your approval). --adv. (foll. by to) conditionally upon (subject to your consent, I propose to try again). --v.tr. 1 (foll. by to) make liable; expose; treat (subjected us to hours of waiting). 2 (usu. foll. by to) subdue (a nation, person, etc.) to one's sway etc. Phrases and idioms on the subject of concerning, about. subject and object Psychol. the ego or self and the non-ego; consciousness and that of which it is or may be conscious. subject catalogue a catalogue, esp. in a library, arranged according to the subjects treated. subject-heading a heading in an index collecting references to a subject. subject-matter the matter treated of in a book, lawsuit, etc. Derivatives subjection n. subjectless adj. Etymology: ME soget etc. f. OF suget etc. f. L subjectus past part. of...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) испытатель 2) объект съемки 3) подвергать 4) подлежащее 5) подчиненный 6) подчинять 7) предмет 8) субъект 9) тема 10) тематический alphabetic subject catalogue — предметный каталог analyze subject copy — разлагать изображение keep to the subject — держаться темы subject airplane to manoeuvre — вводить самолет в маневр subject to rigorous analysis — подвергать строгому анализу subject to the restriction — с оговоркой subject to the restriction that — при условии что subject to this proviso — с этой оговоркой; при этом условии, при соблюдении этого условия touch upon subject — затрагивать вопрос; касаться вопроса trivial subject matter — мелкотемье - subject contrast - subject copy - subject index - subject language - subject of inquiry - subject to adjustment ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  объект; предмет, тема; вопрос – subject of an invention – subject of application – subject of industrial property – subject of license – subject of patent – subject of patenting – additional subject – application subject – controversial subject – patentable subject – patented subject – proposed subject of invention – test subject SUBJECT 1. сущ. 1) подданный 2) тема 3) вопрос 4) предмет, объект 5) субъект 6) гражданин British subject — английский подданный • - be subject of appeal - be subject to arbitration - be subject to cancellation - be subject to market fluctuations - be subject to recovery - subject of investigation - subject of labour - subject of law 2. прил. 1) подчиненный 2) подвластный, подчиненный чему-л. 3) зависимый 4) подлежащий (to) 5) могущий подлежать 6) ограниченный 7) действительный в случае чего-л. 8) зависящий от чего-л. 9) уступающий место чему-л. 10) подверженный чему-л. - be subject to a condition - be subject to a discount - be subject to call - be subject to market fluctuations - be subject to quota - subject to 3. гл. 1) подчинять 2) подвергать SUBJECT сущ. 1) общ. подданный, гражданин 2) общ. тема; сюжет 3) общ. вопрос, предмет, проблема 4) общ. предмет, объект subject of investigation — предмет научных изысканий 5) общ. субъект 6) бирж., амер. =subject quote 7) бирж. =subject bid ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. предмет, тема (разговора и т. п.) serious subject —- серьезный вопрос a subject for discussion —- тема для дискуссии to talk on serious subjects —- говорить на серьезные темы to change the subject —- перевести разговор (на другую тему) to return to one's subject —- вернуться к прерванному разговору to lead smb. on to the subject of smth. —- навести кого-л. на разговор (на тему) о чем-л. enough on this subject —- довольно об этом the visit remains the subject of animated discussion —- визит продолжает оживленно комментироваться 2. сюжет, тема tragic(al) subject —- трагический сюжет historical subject —- историческая тема the subject of a play —- сюжет пьесы a painter with a leaning to mythological subjects —- художник со склонностью к мифологическим сюжетам 3. предмет, дисциплина compulsory subjects —- обязательные предметы subject abstracting journal —- тематический реферативный журнал subject specialist —- отраслевой специалист subject label —- полигр. отраслевая помета (в словаре и т. п.) 4. объект, предмет the subject of an experiment —- объект опыта 5. мед. труп (при вскрытии) 6. повод, основание a subject for pity —- повод для сожаления a subject of press comment —- предмет комментариев в печати 7. подданный British subject —- британский подданный 8. субъект, человек a good hypnotic subject —- человек, легко поддающийся гипнозу (внушению) a hysterical subject —- человек,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) тема; предмет разговора; сюжет; to dwell on a sore subject - останавливаться на больном вопросе; to change the subject - переменить тему разговора; to traverse a subject - обсудить вопрос  2) повод (for - к чему-л.); a subject for pity - повод для сожаления  3) объект, предмет (of)  4) предмет, дисциплина; mathematics is my favourite subject - математика - мой любимый предмет  5) подданный  6) субъект, человек; a hysterical subject - истерический тип  7) gram. подлежащее  8) philos. субъект  9) mus. главная тема  10) труп (для вскрытия) on the subject of - касаясь чего-л.; while we are on the subject of money may I ask you... раз уж мы заговорили о деньгах, могу я узнать... Syn: see topic  2. adj.  1) подчиненный, подвластный; subject nations - несамостоятельные государства  2) подверженный (to)  3) подлежащий (to)  4) subject to (употр. как нареч.) - при условии, допуская, если  3. v.  1) подчинять, покорять (to); The people were subjected to the conquerors rule.  2) подвергать (воздействию, влиянию и т.п.) (to); This metal should not be subjected to too high temperatures.  3) представлять; to subject a plan for consideration - представить план на рассмотрение ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. suget, subget "a subject person or thing," from L. subjectus, noun use of pp. of subicere "to place under," from sub "under" + combining form of jacere "to throw." Some specific uses in logic and philosophy are borrowed directly from L. subjectum "foundation or subject of a proposition," a loan-translation of Aristotle's Gk. to hypokeimenon, lit. "that which lies beneath." The verb is first recorded late M.E., from L. subjectare. Subjective "existing in the mind" is from 1707; subject matter is from M.L. subjecta materia, a loan translation of Aristotle's hypokeimene hyle. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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